We’re pleased to announce that director Broderick Fox is one of 12 California artists awarded a 2014 Artistic Innovation Grant from the Center for Cultural Innovation. Fox will put the funds towards sound mixing on his next documentary ZEN & THE ART OF DYING.
Click here for a full press release about CCI, the grant, and Fox’s new film!
The soundtrack for THE SKIN I’M IN is now available on iTunes, featuring the incredible original score by Ronit Kirchman, and Fox’s musical contribution (track 25) which garnered the album an “explicit” Parental Advisory Rating. Ha!
The music in this big little film is the product of much extraordinary collaboration:
Music Orchestrated and Conducted by
Ronit Kirchman
Orchestra Recorded at Rotosonic Sound, Salt Lake City, UT
by Michael Greene
Music Editor
Scott Johnson
Score Mixer
Mike Roskelley
Music Contractor
Ted Hinckley
Nicholas Greer
Jed Moss
Daron Bradford
Laurence Lowe
Aaron Ashton
Kathryn Collier
Maria Dance
Tina Johnson
Rachael Bower Karr
Katherine Kunz
David Langr
Kathryn Langr
Kendra Lowe
Rebecca Moench
Cynthia Richards
Becky Rogers
Kristiana Sandberg
David Siegel
Janice B. Vincent
Candace Wagner
Emily Brown
Heidi Hicks
Lorraine Larson
Mario E. Ortiz
Elizabeth Wallace
Nicole Pinnell
Desireé Ashworth
Ellen Bridger
Cassie Olson
Brian Stucki
Ben Henderson
Matt Larson
Alexander C. Willey
Violin for “Man with the Movie Camera” sequence, guitars, synthesizers and all other instruments performed and programmed by Ronit Kirchman
This soundtrack was supported by a grant from the Sundance Institute Film Music Program with additional support from the Sundance Institute/Time Warner Foundation, Inc. Fellowship Program.
We’re having an extraordinary time filming in easternmost Australia, exploring how Zenith Virago and the communities of Byron Shire, Australia do death differently. To follow our progress and see photos of the people and events we’re covering, visit our ZEN & THE ART OF DYING website.
The treatment for our next documentary project Zen & the Art of Dying has won a 2012 Chris Award from the 2012 Columbus International Film & Video Festival.
CIF+VF is the longest-running film festival in the United States, celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.
The festival describes its mission as “honoring and screening the work of makers whose creations of vision, beauty and power help us understand the complexities of our world by using their committed artistry to touch our minds and hearts.”
The CIF +FV treatment competition is open to both fiction and documentary project treatments and is intended to generate exposure and support for awarded projects.
I’m excited to announce my next documentary project DEATHWALKER which is a documentary on Australian Natural Death Center founder Zenith Virago. We’ll also be producing a Natural Death Web Initiative to provide a space for personal stories, practical support materials, and global conversation about natural death care.
Not sure what natural death care is? Check out the project Website:
For those of you in Byron Shire, Australia, we’ll be there all of November and December filming. Check out the “Get Involved/Tell Your Story” page, and let me know if you wish to participate!
Broderick Fox interviewed on ABC Radio’s CONVERSATIONS WITH RICHARD FIDLER 3/8/12
While in Australia for the world premiere of THE SKIN I’M IN at the 2012 Byron Bay International Film Festival, director Broderick Fox was a guest on the national ABC radio program CONVERSATIONS WITH RICHARD FIDLER.
Listen to an abridged version of that hour-long program here:
I’m pleased to report that just before the holidays, we completed the final sound mix for THE SKIN I’M IN! Sound designer Scott Johnson, composer Ronit Kirchman, executive producer Lee Biolos, and I had the pleasure of collaborating with amazing rerecording engineer Wade Chamberlain on the Rick Chace Theatre stage at Chace Audio.
Scott worked so hard on the sound design to get it to this day, and Ronit’s music sounds incredible in the mix. Also amazing to finally see Zulu and Rande Cook on the big screen!
I hope to report the film’s premiere venue in a forthcoming update. For now, a very happy New Year to all and here are some photos from the big day.
The final sound mix for THE SKIN I’M IN begins at Chace Audio with (l to r) composer Ronit Kirchman, rerecording engineer Wade Chamberlain, and sound designer Scott JohnsonBroderick Fox on the big screen at the final sound mix of THE SKIN I’M INDirector Broderick Fox at the final mix session for THE SKIN I’M IN, along with sound designer Scott Johnson.Rerecording engineer Wade Chamberlain, composer Ronit Kirchman, sound designer Scott Johnson, and executive producer Lee Biolos at the final mix session for THE SKIN I’M INA shot from our final sound mix: Rande Cook’s “Elements Within I-IV” serigraph series on the big screen in THE SKIN I’M INA shot from our final sound mix: Brody meets tattoo artist Zulu for the first time in THE SKIN I’M IN
Our scoring session in Salt Lake City was incredible.
Supported by a grant from the Sundance Institute Film Music Program with additional support from the Sundance Institute/Time Warner Foundation, Inc. Fellowship Program, we recorded over 40 minutes of original score by composer Ronit Kirchman.
The scoring session took place over the course of two days at Michael Greene’s Rotosonic Sound, a magical space with incredible acoustics and a great atmosphere.
Special thanks to music contractor Ted Hinckley and the 30+ musicians that shared their talents on the soundtrack.
If composing the score and playing a number of instruments herself wasn’t enough Ronit also conducted the scoring session. Sound designer and music editor Scott Johnson kept us on track for an incredibly tight two days of recording, after which he and Ronit launched directly into four days of music editing and mixing with the amazing Mike Roskelley.
After six years of working on this project as a largely solo endeavor, it was wild to have so many people come together to record the music. Ronit’s work adds such a powerful dimension to the film; I can’t wait to share it with all of you.
Until then, here are some images from our two-day session.
Outside Michael Greene’s Rotosonic Sound in Salt Lake CitySound designer/music editor Scott Johnson, music contractor Ted Hinckley, and composer Ronit Kirchman at Rotosonic Sound in Salt Lake City, UTOrchestration copies for 44 minutes of original score by Ronit KirchmanComposer Ronit Kirchman sequences the day with music contractor Ted HinckleyDirector Broderick Fox addresses musicians at the scoring session for THE SKIN I’M INOwner and operator Michael Greene mans the board at Rotosonic SoundComposer Ronit Kirchman address the musicians of Salt LakeA cue from THE SKIN I’M IN, music by Ronit KirchmanMusicians at the music scoring session for THE SKIN I’M INRonit Kirchman conducts the opening music cue of THE SKIN I’M INComposer Ronit Kirchman conducts a cue at the music recordng session for THE SKIN I’M IN